This latest creation makes me think of the cheese course at the end of a fancy meal. It's a little sweet, a little salty and the perfect little bite to finish off a meal . . . or start a party! These filo cigarellos worked quite well at a cocktail party, having debuted them at THE Dinner Party's 2nd Anniversary last week.
I bought the fig butter and honied chèvre at Trader Joe's. If you don't have one in your area you could try using whatever chèvre is available at your local store. The fig butter, however, might prove a bit more difficult to find. In a pinch you could try adding chopped up dried figs to the cheese. The flavor would be similar even if the texture wasn't.
I used three sheets of filo divided into eighteen rectangles to roll into tiny cigarellos . . . which made TONS (close to 100)! If you don't want to spend forever rolling each little one you could always make fatter little parcels, which I'm sure would work just find.
I sprinkled mine with sea salt to off set the sweetness of the fig and honied goat's cheese. With normal chèvre, you might not need the added salt.
Anyhoo, without further ado, here are some pictures of the Figgin' Goat Cigarellos!